We are still safer at home while COVID-19 is present in Massachusetts. Download one of the flyers below and put it up in a place where people can view it.
Wait and Quarantine after your test
- You must quarantine if you are symptomatic or if you were exposed to someone with COVID-19
For more information about how to quarantine, visit the Mass.gov the Covid-19 Prevention and Treatment.
After you receive your results
If you have a Positive test result:
- Answer the call from your Local Health Department or MA COVID Team
- Confirm your name, address, and date of birth
- Provide contact information for those you have recently been in physical contact with
- Follow instructions to safely isolate and quarantine
If you have a Negative test result:
- Continue 14-day quarantine from last suspected exposure if you have been identified as a close contact.
Next Steps Following a COVID-19 Test – English (PDF 124.78 KB)
Next Steps Following a COVID-19 Test – Spanish (PDF 125.7 KB)