Average Incidence Rate in the Town of Barnstable

The average daily incidence rate has slightly decreased in the Town of Barnstable during the past week as demonstrated in the graph (see right side of graph).  During the past fourteen days, the Health Division received 108 new positive COVID-19 case reports, which calculates to an average daily incidence rate of 7.7 new cases per day.

Town, County, State, and National Cumulative Case and Death Counts

A total of 5,097 Town of Barnstable residents have been diagnosed with COVID-19 cumulatively to date.  In Barnstable County, there have been a total of 18,009 positive cases and a total of 517 deaths cumulatively from Coronavirus; this includes one (1) death in the past week.  The Massachusetts Department of Public Health reported there have been a total of 801,567 positive cases in the State of Massachusetts and 18,671 deaths from COVID-19 cumulatively to date in the State.   In the United States overall, according to the John Hopkins University website, there have been 46,335,944 positive Coronavirus patients to date, resulting in 751,559 total deaths nationwide.

Cape Cod Hospitalizations

As of November 4th, Cape Cod Healthcare reported there were eleven (11) patients being treated at their two hospitals, Falmouth Hospital and Cape Cod Hospital, for Covid-19.  This includes three (3) patients who were in intensive care.

COVID-19 Cases and Hospitalizations in Fully Vaccinated Persons

As of October 30, 2021, 4,732,126 Massachusetts residents were fully vaccinated.  There were 54,199 (1.1%) COVID-19 cases in fully vaccinated people.  One thousand seven hundred and ninety-three (1,793) of those 54,199 cases (0.04%) resulted in hospitalizations.  Four hundred and thirty-eight (438) cases (0.009%) resulted in death.   Here is a link to mass.gov website provides this information weekly:  https://www.mass.gov/doc/weekly-report-covid-19-cases-in-vaccinated-individuals-november-2-2021/download

* Vaccinations began December 14, 2020; the earliest date at which individuals would be considered fully vaccinated is January 19, 2021.

Source: MIIS data, MAVEN data]

Average Age of Death in Massachusetts

There were 18 new confirmed deaths in Massachusetts from COVID-19 during the past week.  The average age of death was 74 years old.

Vaccinations of Barnstable County Residents

Our population vaccination percentage rate continues to be one of the highest compared to other counties and other states.  The Massachusetts Department of Public Health reported this week that ninety-one percent (91%) of our Barnstable County residents who were eligible to receive vaccinations (ages 12 and older) have received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine   Eighty-one (81%) of our age- eligible residents are now fully vaccinated.

Moving Forward

The Town will continue to follow the orders and directives provided by of our Massachusetts Governor and protocols provided by the State Department of Public Health  Under the leadership of Town Manager Mark Ells, key officials of the Town continue to meet twice weekly to share communications relative to recent trends and scientific changes associated with the virus, CDC and State guidance and directives, as well as effectively administering the multitude of policies and programs in step with the Town’s Mission Statement and Strategic Plan as approved by the Town Council.   Schools and childcare centers continue to be subject to guidance from DESE.


Health Division

Our Public Health Nurse and contract nurses continue to work daily, including during holidays and week-ends, to contact those who become infected to ensure they are appropriately isolated and to contact  individuals who have come into contact with them to take quarantine precautions, as required if unvaccinated.  Health Division staff  continue to meet twice weekly to plan and implement actionable preventative measures and to ensure we are providing guidance and/or enforcement  in step with the recommendations provided by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC),  requirements provided by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, and orders provided by the Massachusetts Governor.



Recommendations/ Posted Signage

The following signage has been posted within the entrances of municipal buildings.  We suggest following these recommendations at all locations:


  • Individuals who are not vaccinated should wear a mask in indoor public settings;
  • If you are fully vaccinated, to maximize protection from the Delta variant and to prevent possibly spreading it to others, wear a mask indoors in public if you are within a crowded public space where transmission of the virus is more likely (i.e. where it is not possible to maintain six feet separation from others);
  • People who are taking medications that weaken their immune system may not be fully protected, even if they are fully vaccinated, and should continue to take all precautions, including wearing a well-fitted mask;
  • Please cover your face when you cough, and sneeze into your elbow;
  • Continue to wash your hands;
  • If you are not feeling well, please stay home.

This report is updated on a weekly basis.  If you should have any questions, please feel free to call us at the Town of Barnstable Health Division Office at 508 862 4644.