Friday March 12. 2021
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Advisory Information
During the past fourteen days, the Health Division received 180 new positive COVID-19 case reports of residents of the Town of Barnstable who recently contracted Coronavirus. This calculates to an average of 12.8 cases per day. The Town of Barnstable continues to be classified as “yellow” (moderate risk).
Since last March 2020, a total of 3,094 residents of the Town have tested positive for COVID-19. In all fifteen towns of Barnstable County, there have been a total of 10,054 positive cases (cumulatively) and 418 deaths from Coronavirus. The Massachusetts Department of Public Health reported there have been a total of 563,983 positive cases and 16,218 deaths from COVID-19 in the State. In the United States, 29,286,721 persons contracted the virus and a total of 530,826 persons in the United States have died from the virus according to data received from the John Hopkins University website.
Hospitalizations of patients infected with this virus have decreased during the past few months in Barnstable County. As of yesterday, Cape Cod Healthcare reported twenty (20) positive patients who were being treated in their two hospitals (Falmouth Hospital and Cape Cod Hospital), including five (5) patients in intensive care.
Phase 2 of the Massachusetts COVID-19 vaccination plan began on February 1st. All individuals age 65 or older, adults with two or more specific medical conditions (see list of medical conditions at this website:, and residents and staff of public and private low income and affordable housing are now eligible to receive the vaccine. K-12 teachers, school staff, and childcare teachers are now eligible to be vaccinated as of March 11th (yesterday).
As part of the Town of Barnstable’s role in the Cape Cod COVID-19 Vaccine Consortium, our Council on Aging Division (Barnstable Adult Community Center) is identifying vulnerable adults over 65 left behind by the current vaccine offerings, specifically individuals who need assistance making vaccination appointments but are able to travel to Cape Cod Community College. In an effort to expand upon the robust information our Council on Aging currently has, we are asking anyone in this group to provide name and phone number, by emailing that information to:
You may also call 508-862-4024 and leave your name and phone number.
Key officials of the Town continue to meet daily to plan and implement proper actions which are in step with the Governor’s orders and MA DPH guidelines. Health Division staff continue to meet and coordinate daily to ensure we are providing the most up-to-date information to citizens and business owners relative to re-openings in compliance with the latest Massachusetts requirements and recommendations. Health inspectors continue to investigate and respond to complaints, conduct food establishment inspections, swimming pool inspections, horse stable inspections, rental unit inspections, witness percolation tests, conduct inspections at businesses which store or utilize hazardous materials, review disposal works construction permit (septic system) applications, and review building permit applications,.
We continue to urge everyone to follow the State guidelines and to take these basic precautions which include:
- Stay at home from work, school, sports and other activities when ill.
- Wear a face covering while out in public where social distancing is not possible per the Governor’s order;
- Frequent hand-washing, for 20 seconds with soap;
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
- Cough hygiene – into a tissue when possible (throw it away immediately) or into your arm.
- Avoid touching your eyes, mouth, or nose with unwashed hands.
- Avoid contact with those who are ill.
- Stay home to isolate or quarantine when contacted and required by the Board of Health.
Our Public Health Nurse and team of contract nurses continue to contact those who become infected to ensure they are appropriately isolated and to contact individuals who have come into contact with them to take the required quarantine precautions.
If you should have any questions, call us at the Town of Barnstable Health Division Office at 508-862-4644.
Respectfully Submitted,
Thomas A. McKean, RS, CHO
Director of Public Health