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 pastedGraphic.pngMonday August 10, 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Advisory Information

A total of 428 residents of the Town of Barnstable have tested positive for COVID-19 to date.  The chart below provides the number of positive cases reported per day in the Town of Barnstable during the time period from March 19, 2020 to August 10, 2020.  The green line depicted on this graph is an attempt to show the reader where we are in regards to the “curve” by providing the average number of cases reported per day.  It is interesting to note that sixteen (16) new COVID-19 cases (Barnstable residents) were reported to this Office during the past seven days, compared to fourteen reported during the previous seven day period.

A total of 1,800 residents of Barnstable County have tested positive for COVID-19.  158 residents of Barnstable County died from the virus to date.  The Massachusetts Department of Public Health reported a total of 112,459 Massachusetts residents have tested positive for COVID-19;  8,514 Massachusetts residents died from the virus.  In the United States, 5,045,564 persons contracted COVID-19.  A total of 162,938 persons in the United States have died from the virus according to data received from the John Hopkins University website this morning.  

A total of 1,311,358 persons were tested in Massachusetts for the virus. 8.6% of those tested found to be positive.  Cape Cod Healthcare has issued guidance regarding testing at this link:

Health Division staff continue to meet and coordinate daily to ensure we are providing the most up-to-date information to business owners and citizens relative to Massachusetts requirements and recommendations.  Health inspectors continue to conduct inspections at food establishments, public and semi-public swimming pools, hotels, recreational camps, tanning facilities, mobile food units, rental units, and horse stables.   Percolation tests and septic systems continue to be inspected daily.  COVID -19 related complaints continue to be received and investigated daily as well.

A full list of the types of businesses which may remain open is provided at this link:  

We continue to urge everyone to continue to take basic precautions which include:

  • Wear a face covering while out in public where social distancing is not possible per the Governor’s order; 
  • Frequent hand-washing, for 20 seconds with soap;
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
  • Cough hygiene – into a tissue when possible (throw it away immediately) or into your arm.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, mouth, or nose with unwashed hands.
  • Avoid contact with those who are ill.
  • Stay home yourself from work when ill.

Our Public Health Nurse continues to contact those who become infected to ensure they are appropriately isolated for fourteen days minimum and to contact individuals who have come into contact with them to take the required quarantine precautions.  

If you should have any questions, call us at the Town of Barnstable Health Division Office at 508 862 4644.

Respectfully Submitted, 

Thomas A. McKean, RS, CHO

Director of Public Health