Cape Cod Healthcare Relocates COVID-19 Community Testing in Hyannis
(Hyannis, MA – November 14, 2022) Cape Cod Healthcare has announced it will be relocating COVID-19 drive-through testing in Hyannis, effective November 20, from the current location on the Cape Cod Hospital campus to a revised testing site at 25 Communication Way,...
HOW TO BOOK AN APPOINTMENT: Individuals ages 75 and over are eligible to get a COVID-19 vaccine in Massachusetts. Appointments, while significantly limited at this time, can be scheduled online by visiting Residents enter their zip code...
COVID-19 Vaccine in Massachusetts
Massachusetts is preparing for the safe, equitable, and effective delivery of an FDA-approved COVID-19 vaccine. Learn about the approach and when you can expect to get vaccinated. WHEN CAN I GET THE VACCINE? The Baker-Polito Administration and the Department of Public...
Baker-Polito Administration Announces Children Ages 6 Months to 4 years Eligible for COVID-19 Vaccinations
Following recommendations from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Baker-Polito Administration today announced that Massachusetts children ages 6 months to 4 years old are now eligible to receive the Moderna or Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. For the...
MA Announces Availability of Second COVID-19 Booster Dose for Residents 50 and Older and Immunocompromised Individuals
Following updated recommendations from the federal government, the Baker-Polito Administration today announced that all residents aged 50 and older or individuals who are younger with certain medical conditions may now access a second COVID-19 booster. The U.S....
FEMA Funeral Assistance Program
FEMA is providing assistance for COVID-19 related funeral expenses incurred after January 20, 2020, under the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2021, and the America Rescue Plan Act of 2021. - The Funeral Assistance Program will...
Eviction and Rental Assistance
If you are facing eviction due to a loss of income or other reasons because of #COVID19MA, there is legal help available to help you understand your rights, navigate the process and stay in your home. Learn more at
Grab & Go Meals at Schools
All Schools will continue to hand out meals at times posted below during remote learning. Monday - Friday (Excluding Holidays) BWB Elementary Front Door 11:30am-12:30pm Hyannis West Elementary Front Door 11:30am-12:30pm Centerville...
SNAP Online Purchasing Program
SNAP Online Purchasing Program Information on the Massachusetts Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) online purchasing program. Starting May 29, 2020, Massachusetts residents who receive SNAP benefits can use their EBT card to buy food online from Amazon...
Cape Cod Community College to Host COVID-19 Free Vaccination Clinics Throughout January 2022
Cape Cod Community College will host twelve COVID-19 vaccination clinics that are free and open to the community throughout January 2022. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is handling vaccinations and scheduling, while the College will provide facilities on their West...
Barnstable Public Schools Pediatric Vaccine Clinics
COVID-19 Vaccination for Ages 5-11 Portuguese | Spanish Pre-register for one of the Following Clinics Please note which schools each clinic is intended for. Barnstable United • West Villages • Barnstable-West Barnstable Date: Wednesday 11/17 Location: Barnstable...

Barnstable County Department of Health and Environment Opens Registration for Pediatric COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics
Barnstable County Department of Health and Environment opened registration for its pediatric COVID-19 vaccine clinic, which will occur every Thursday from 2 pm to 4 pm beginning November 18, at the Harborview Conference Room. The Harborview Conference room is located...
COVID-19 Employer Vaccination Program
The Commonwealth’s Employer Vaccination Program More than 255 million COVID vaccines have been delivered in the United States. Getting vaccinated will protect yourself and your loved ones. Getting vaccinated will save lives and protect your employee community. The...
Restaurant Revitalization Fund
Program details The American Rescue Plan Act established the Restaurant Revitalization Fund (RRF) to provide funding to help restaurants and other eligible businesses keep their doors open. This program will provide restaurants with funding equal to their...
Massachusetts Announces Plans for Continued Reopening
Massachusetts will reopen some outdoor Phase 4, Step 2 industries effective May 10th and put plans in place for further reopening on May 29th and August 1st. The Administration continues to take steps to reopen the Commonwealth's economy with public health metrics...

New Appointments At Mass Vaccination Sites & Pharmacies
The Administration continues to build the Commonwealth’s vaccination infrastructure, and will add 30 new retail pharmacy sites and 2 additional mass vaccination sites. There are currently more than 130 vaccination sites in Massachusetts. Tomorrow morning (Thursday,...
Two NEW Mass Vaccination Sites to Open late February
The Baker-Polito Administration announced two new mass vaccination sites will open in Natick and Dartmouth. On Thursday, 74,000 appointments will be posted online for mass vaccination sites and pharmacies at locations statewide. Approximately 30,000 additional...

75+ Caregiver Vaccine Eligibility
On February 1, 2021, vaccination administration began for residents 75+. These residents have been getting shots for the last 10 days and during that time we have learned that some people might be hesitant to go to a mass vaccination location without a relative or a...
Friday, February, 25, 2022 | Updated CDC Mask Guidance
Use and Care of Masks Wear a mask with the best fit, protection, and comfort for you Updated Feb. 25, 2022 Languages Print Masks can help protect you and others from COVID-19. Learn more about different types of masks and respirators and how to get the best fit. When...
Emerging Fraud Schemes Related to COVID-19 Vaccines
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (HHS-OIG), and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) are warning the public about several emerging fraud schemes related to COVID-19 vaccines....
Be Aware of COVID-19 Scams
With the wave of scams related to the COVID-19 pandemic, Eversource is reminding customers about common signs to recognize a scam and specific pandemic-related scams to look out for, including: * Threats of immediate power disconnection or demands for payment:...
Barnstable County Department of Health and Environment Issues Advisory As COVID-19 Cases Continue Post-Holiday Surge
Recent COVID-19 PCR test results at County test sites and at Cape Cod Healthcare are showing percentage positivity of 20% and higher. January 6, 2022 (Barnstable, MA) – Barnstable County continues to experience extremely high daily case numbers, as reported by the MA...

Barnstable County Department of Health and Environment Opens Registration for Pediatric COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics
Barnstable County Department of Health and Environment opened registration for its pediatric COVID-19 vaccine clinic, which will occur every Thursday from 2 pm to 4 pm beginning November 18, at the Harborview Conference Room. The Harborview Conference room is located...
COVID-19 Vaccine Briefing for Cape Cod Residents Over 65
On February 3, 2021 the Cape Cod COVID-19 Response Task Force held a phone briefing for Cape Cod residents over 65 on the COVID-19 vaccine. Speakers included: Senator Julian Cyr Mike Lauf, CEO, Cape Cod Healthcare Dr. Kevin Mulroy, Senior VP, Cape Cod Healthcare Kevin...
Crisis Counseling Assistance Program
As part of its efforts to support the behavioral health needs of Massachusetts residents during the COVID-19 pandemic, yesterday, the Baker-Polito Administration announced the availability of a new crisis counseling assistance program. The new program, MassSupport, is...
Cloth Face Coverings for Children During COVID-19
To protect ourselves and others from COVID-19, Massachusetts now requires cloth face coverings be used when outside. But what about children? Read on for answers to some frequently asked questions. American Academy of Pediatrics
Helping Kids Cope While Sheltering in Place
Here's a link to some great tips for helping your children cope with sheltering in place from the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Over a quarter of the country is now “sheltering in place” to at least some extent. Most kids are out of school. Many...
There are many organizations doing a phenomenal job of curating the enormous amounts of resources available to the creative economy during the COVID-19 crisis.This is a quick reference guide. We encourage you review all the posts and links in this section....
COVID-19 Relief Fund for Individuals
UPDATED APRIL 8, 2020 Mass Cultural Council believes in the power of culture, and we recognize that the work done by creative and innovative individuals is key to our vital communities. We know that the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis has caused major disruptions for...
Arts Foundation of Cape Cod Launches Cape Cod Arts Relief Fund to Assist Artists Impacted by Pandemic
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact: Julie Wake, Executive Director, 508-362-0066, ext. 111, April 1, 2020 (Hyannis, MA) – With the COVID-19 pandemic forcing local artists to cancel work for the foreseeable future, the Arts Foundation...
FEMA Funeral Assistance Program
FEMA is providing assistance for COVID-19 related funeral expenses incurred after January 20, 2020, under the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2021, and the America Rescue Plan Act of 2021. - The Funeral Assistance Program will...
Cape Cod Community College to Host COVID-19 Free Vaccination Clinics Throughout January 2022
Cape Cod Community College will host twelve COVID-19 vaccination clinics that are free and open to the community throughout January 2022. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is handling vaccinations and scheduling, while the College will provide facilities on their West...
K-12, Early Education and Summer Camp Guidance
Effective May 18, guidance from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and the Department of Early Education and Care will be updated to no longer require masks for outdoor activities like recess and to allow for the sharing of objects in classrooms, in...
New Travel Order Effective August 1st
All Visitors And Returning Residents Must Comply, $500 Fine Per Day for Non-Compliance The travel order and other information is available at Travel Order: Starting August 1, all visitors and Massachusetts residents returning home, including...
RMV Extensions – Licenses, Permits, Inspections, Plate Registration
Further Extensions Implemented for Expiring Licenses, Permits, Motor Vehicle Inspection Stickers, and Passenger Plate Registrations The Massachusetts RMV has implemented further extensions for expiring motor vehicle inspection stickers, passenger plate registrations,...
RMV UPDATE: No Walk-In Policy Effective March 27
The RMV will be strictly enforcing a No Walk-In Policy. Only Customers with Appointment Reservations Will Be Served for Required In-Person Transactions Effective today, Friday, March 27 the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) is enforcing a strict no...