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COVID-19 booster frequently asked questions

What is a booster? Do I need a booster? COVID-19 vaccines are very effective in lowering the risk of severe disease, hospitalization, and death. They even work against the Delta variant. The CDC has found that this protection may wear off over time. Boosters keep the...

Barnstable Public Schools Pediatric Vaccine Clinics

COVID-19 Vaccination for Ages 5-11 Portuguese  | Spanish Pre-register for one of the Following Clinics Please note which schools each clinic is intended for. Barnstable United • West Villages • Barnstable-West Barnstable Date: Wednesday 11/17 Location: Barnstable...


COVID-19 VACCINATION CLINIC! WALK-INS WELCOME Harbor Community Health Center-Hyannis, the Town of Barnstable, and the Hyannis Fire Department has opened a new COVID-19 vaccination clinic at the Barnstable Adult Community Center. Open to anyone 12 years (with guardian...
¡Clínica de vacunación contra el Covid-19!

¡Clínica de vacunación contra el Covid-19!

¡Clínica de vacunación contra el Covid-19! Harbor Community Health Center-Hyannis, la ciudad de Barnstable y el Departamento de Bomberos de Hyannis han abierto una nueva clínica de vacunación COVID-19 en el Barnstable Adult Community Center. Con citas solamente, no se...
Clínica de vacinação contra a Covid-19!

Clínica de vacinação contra a Covid-19!

Clínica de vacinação contra a Covid-19! A Harbor Community Health Center-Hyannis, a cidade de Barnstable e o Corpo de Bombeiros de Hyannis abriram uma nova clínica de vacinação. COVID-19 no Barnstable Adult Community Center. Somente com agendamento, não aceitamos...

¿Es elegible para recibir una vacuna COVID-19?

Barnstable está ayudando a los miembros de nuestra comunidad de las Fases 1 y 2 que son elegibles, específicamente personas que necesitan ayuda para hacer citas de vacunación. Le pedimos a cualquier miembro de este grupo que proporcione un nombre y número de teléfono,...

Are you eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine?

The Town of Barnstable is helping eligible Phase 1 & 2 community members, specifically individuals who need assistance making vaccination appointments.   We are asking anyone in this group to provide name and phone number, by emailing that information to...

Você se qualifica para receber uma vacina da COVID-19?

Barnstable está ajudando os membros da nossa comunidade das Fases 1 e 2 que são elegíveis, especificamente indivíduos que precisam de assistência para agendar um horário de vacinação. Estamos pedindo a qualquer um neste grupo que forneça nome e número de telefone,...
New – Massachusetts Homebound Vaccination Program

New – Massachusetts Homebound Vaccination Program

Summary of key points: In-home vaccinations are now available to individuals who are not able to leave their home to get to a vaccination site, even with assistance. These homebound individuals either: Require ambulance or two-person assistance to leave the home, or...
Vaccine Eligibility Phases

Vaccine Eligibility Phases

Phase 2 Currently Eligible: Listed in order of priority: People who are 75 or older People who are 65 or older People with 2 or more certain medical conditions People who live or work in low income and affordable senior housing K-12 educators, K-12 school staff, and...
Preregister for a COVID-19 vaccine appointment

Preregister for a COVID-19 vaccine appointment

Beginning March 12th, the Commonwealth’s preregistration system will make it easier to request and schedule an appointment at one of the 7 mass vaccination locations. Eligible people can preregister for a COVID-19 vaccine appointment at mass vaccination locations...
COVID-19 vaccinations for senior housing settings

COVID-19 vaccinations for senior housing settings

Vaccinations for residents living in and staff working in public and private low income and affordable housing for older people Residents and staff of public and private low income and affordable senior housing are included in the Phase 2 of vaccine deployment in the...
COVID-19 vaccinations for people ages 65 and older

COVID-19 vaccinations for people ages 65 and older

Individuals age 65 and older are eligible to get the COVID-19 vaccine beginning February 18 as part of Phase 2, Group 2. How to schedule and prepare for your appointment Individuals 65 and older are eligible to make an appointment for the COVID-19 vaccine beginning...
Vaccine Appointment Search Tool

Vaccine Appointment Search Tool

Massachusetts Department of Health has launched an all-new vaccine appointment search tool that makes it easy to see which vaccination sites have availability. Try it out and find an appointment at

Mass Vaccination Sites

Each Thursday, new appointments will be available for the mass vaccination sites. This week, over 55,000 new appointments will go live for the following week. Residents can use the map or ZIP Code search tool to find a vaccination location near them at...