Apr 16, 2020 | The Arts & Artists
There are many organizations doing a phenomenal job of curating the enormous amounts of resources available to the creative economy during the COVID-19 crisis.This is a quick reference guide. We encourage you review all the posts and links in this section....
Apr 9, 2020 | The Arts & Artists
UPDATED APRIL 8, 2020 Mass Cultural Council believes in the power of culture, and we recognize that the work done by creative and innovative individuals is key to our vital communities. We know that the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis has caused major disruptions for...
Apr 3, 2020 | The Arts & Artists
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact: Julie Wake, Executive Director, 508-362-0066, ext. 111, jwake@artsfoundation.org April 1, 2020 (Hyannis, MA) – With the COVID-19 pandemic forcing local artists to cancel work for the foreseeable future, the Arts Foundation...
Apr 2, 2020 | The Arts & Artists
This document addresses frequently asked questions related to NEH funding under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act and the Office of Management and Budget memo M-20-17 “Administrative Relief for Recipients and Applicants of Federal...
Apr 2, 2020 | The Arts & Artists
AMERICANS FOR THE ARTS COVID-19-resources and responses https://www.americansforthearts.org/by-topic/disaster-preparedness/coronavirus-covid-19-resource-and-response-center Economic...
Apr 2, 2020 | The Arts & Artists
The new Mass Cultural Council Safe Harbors Program seeks to provide broad assistance to Massachusetts arts and cultural nonprofit organizations in the form of webinars and online tools. The webinars will help you assess your current financial situation, create an...
Mar 27, 2020 | The Arts & Artists
NONPROFIT AND SMALL BUSINESS RESOURCES COVID-19 Preparedness for the Cultural Sector Mass Cultural Council’s free webinar offers tools and solution for cultural organizing during the coronavirus outbreak. COVID-19 Tools and Resources for Nonprofits The Nonprofit...
Mar 27, 2020 | The Arts & Artists
UNEMPLOYMENT Filing for Unemployment Due to COVID-19 Along with applying to and searching for grants and funds, make sure to get your application into the state if you lost your job or income due to COVID-19. Unfortunately, self-employed individuals and contract...
Mar 17, 2020 | The Arts & Artists
Resources for artists related to COVID-19: In response to COVID-19, the Craft Emergency Relief Fund (now a program of CERF+) has a created a comprehensive resource for the artist community, many of whom are dealing with canceled shows, exhibitions, and...
Mar 17, 2020 | The Arts & Artists
The Mass Cultural Council is collecting data on how COVID-19 is impacting artists; arts and cultural educators; and cultural organizations. If you are an artist or arts/cultural educator, please take the survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/7SPY5Z3 If you are a...