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Step Two of Phase II of the Commonwealth’s four-phase reopening plan, Reopening Massachusetts, will begin on Monday, June 22 to allow additional industries to resume operations under sector-
specific guidelines.

Businesses and sectors set to begin operating in Step Two of Phase II are subject to compliance with all mandatory safety standards.

On May 18, the
Administration released a four-
phased plan to reopen the economy
based on public health data,
spending at least three weeks in
each phase. Key public health data,
such as new cases and
hospitalizations, has been closely
monitored and seen a significant decline allowing for Step Two of Phase II to begin on June 22.

The following will be eligible to reopen in Step Two of Phase II on Monday, June 22:

  Indoor table service at restaurants;
  Close contact personal services, with restrictions;
  Retail dressing rooms, by appointment only;
  Offices, at 50 percent capacity

Full list and safety protocols available at
In order to give Step 2 businesses time to prepare, the Administration had previously released sector-specific guidance in advance of Phase II for industries including restaurants, close-contact personal services and sectors not otherwise addressed: