Filing for Unemployment Due to COVID-19
Along with applying to and searching for grants and funds, make sure to get your application into the state if you lost your job or income due to COVID-19. Unfortunately, self-employed individuals and contract employees are not eligible to apply for unemployment.
Rapid Response: Racism is a Virus Too
This rapid respond fund is geared towards community-based organizations who work predominantly with Asian American communities, in response to hate crimes and bias against Asian American communities because of COVID-19.
Disabled Creator and Activist Pandemic Relief
Volunteers are currently collecting information for this fund aimed at giving aid to disabled creators and artists who’ve lost income due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Foundation of Contemporary Arts Artist Relief Fund
This fund is open to U.S.-based artists who’ve fallen on hard times because of the coronavirus outbreak. If you’ve had a performance or show canceled because of COVID-19, apply.
Sweet Relief Musicians Fund
If you’re a musician or music industry worker who lost 50% of your income, you’re eligible to apply to this fund.
Musicians Foundation Fund
United States-based musicians who’ve been active for the past five years are eligible to apply for a microgrant. Keep in mind, this fund also asks for paperwork proving that most of your income has come from your work as a musician. We’re also not sure how they define a “professional musician” but there is an email on the page where you can inquire for more information.
Craft Emergency Relief Fund
Are you a United States-based craft artist looking for emergency funds? You must have been involved in craft-making (there’s a definition of “craft making” on the site) for at least three years before your emergency and you must be making a majority of your income from your art. Visit the site to learn more about eligibility to apply to this fund.
PEN American Writer’s Emergency Fund
This fund is for professional (published or produced) writers and editors who are in acute financial crisis. PEN America writes on their site that they’ll be updating with more critical information on March 25.