Important info regarding meals in Barnstable:
The meal service at four sites (HYCC, Hy West, BIS, and BUE) now has an additional time slot for families. Free “Grab and Go” meals are available Monday-Friday, 10-1, and beginning tomorrow, 4-6pm, as well. On Friday, families can grab 6 meals (breakfast/lunch x 3) to last through the weekend. And, as a reminder, the meals are available for anyone 18 or younger, regardless of town of residence or school attended. And, of course, any BPS student, older than 18, may participate. No IDs are required. Families may simply drive up to the locations and request the number of meals needed. Walk-ups are welcome, as well.
Barnstable Public Schools is providing breakfast and lunch for any child under the age of 18 free of charge.
All children are welcome regardless of town of residence or school attended. No ID is required.
Meals will be offered in compliance with USDA standards and will be a “Grab and Go” option. Breakfast and lunch will be provided at the same time, and students are encouraged to take one breakfast and one lunch.
Meals may be picked up Monday-Friday between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. at the main entrance area in the following locations:
Barnstable Intermediate School, 895 Falmouth Rd., Hyannis
Barnstable United Elementary School, 730 Osterville-W. Barnstable Rd., Marston Mills
Hyannis West Elementary School, 549 West Main St., Hyannis
Hyannis Youth and Community Center, 141 Bassett Ln., Hyannis
“We must stress the importance of social distancing during meal pickup,” reads an announcement on the BPS website. “Please do not congregate at meal sites, and please remain 6 feet from those around you at meal pick up.”
Efforts are underway to expand options beyond these initial four meal sites. Gov. Charlie Baker yesterday announced statewide school closures for three weeks.
BPS educators and staff are also leading efforts to collect non-perishable food items and will soon begin distributing those items at meal sites as well.